gillnumil ® 26-Sep-2021 05:26

DK Eye Wonder - Ocean

Year: 2001
Language: english
Author: Samantha Gray
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley
ISBN: 0-7894-7852-8
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Pages count: 49
Description: Open your eyes to a world of discovery. Visit coral reefs, kelp forests, and other extraordinary underwater worlds. Find out fascinating facts about favorite ocean animals, including sharks, whales, and dolphins. Dramatic, atmospheric photography provides a wealth of visual information. Packed with facts and written in an accessible style, Eye Wonders are the perfect educational start for young children. A groundbreaking reference series specially developed for younger children aged five plus. In a stunning style departure for DK, wonderful photography shows subjects within their natural setting, offering a whole new level of information through powerful images. Vocabulary is accessible to children aged five plus, with the meanings of new, subject-related words clearly explained. The series provides an excellent knowledge base on the natural world for children starting to learn. The combination of breathtaking visuals and informative, accurate text will hook even those children who usually avoid books.



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