twicer ® 11-Nov-2021 12:07

Marine Diesel Engines | Care and Maintenance

Year: 2011
Language: english
Author: Peter Caplen
Genre: Technical book
Publisher: Crowood Press
Edition: October 18, 2011
ISBN: 9781847971753
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 192 (342 pages for .pdf)
Description: The diesel engine is by far the most popular powerplant for boats of all sizes, both power and sail. With the right care and maintenance it is twice as reliable as the petrol engine as it has no electrical ignition system, which in the marine environment can suffer from the effects of damp surroundings. Self-sufficiency at sea and the ability to solve minor engine problems without having to alert the lifeboat is an essential part of good seamanship.
Marine Diesel Engines, explains through diagrams and stage-by-stage photographs everything a boat owner needs to know to keep their boat's engine in good order; how to rectify simple faults and how to save a great deal of money on annual service charges. Unlike a workshop manual that explains no more than how to perform certain tasks, this book offers a detailed, step-by-step guide to essential maintenance procedures whilst explaining exactly why each job is required.



Marine Diesel Engines_Care and Maintenance 2011

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