twicer ® 29-Nov-2021 21:11

Digitalisation Uncovered: What is new for Shipping?

Year: 2021
Language: english
Author: Lloyd's List and Inmarsat
Genre: Research papers
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 44
Description: Digitalisation Uncovered captures insights from shipowners and ship managers in a period of technology transition. Increasing commitment to IoT-enabled solutions and a broadening range of applications in use signal a clear acceleration in maritime digitalisation, but challenges remain. The survey received 368 responses and all respondents had a role in the purchase and application usage of digital solutions.
The report - Digitalisation Uncovered - What's Next for Shipping? which includes interviews with ABB, Bureau Veritas, G2Ocean, and Hempel and outlines how our digital solutions, in collaboration with an ever-increasing network of certified partners, are supporting the industry's key digitalisation drivers in real-time, including operational efficiency, regulatory compliance and crew training.



Digitalisation Uncovered_Whats Next for Shipping.pdf

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