skipper3362 ® 02-Dec-2021 19:56

Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing 3 vol 4

Year: 2021
Language: english
Author: Shanben Chen • Yuming Zhang • Zhili Feng
Publisher: Springer
Edition: 1st
ISBN: 978-981-33-6502-5
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 203
Description: The primary aim of this volume is to provide researchers and engineers from both academic and industry with up-to-date coverage of new results in the field of robotic welding, intelligent systems and automation. The book is mainly based on papers selected from the 2019 International Workshop on Intelligentized Welding Manufacturing (IWIWM’2019) in USA. The articles show that the intelligentized welding manufacturing (IWM) is becoming an inevitable trend with the intelligentized robotic welding as the key technology. The volume is divided into four logical parts: Intelligent Techniques for Robotic Welding, Sensing of Arc Welding Processing, Modeling and Intelligent Control of Welding Processing, as well as Intelligent Control and its Applications in Engineering.




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