twicer ® 05-Dec-2021 22:37

Industry Standard Software Maintenance of Shipboard Equipment

Year: 201x
Language: english
Author: BIMCO
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 25
Description: This Industry Standard was developed by a Joint Working Group (“the JWG”) comprising members of Comité International Radio-Maritime (CIRM), the international association of marine electronics companies, and BIMCO, the world’s largest shipping association.
Participants in the work of the JWG included representatives of shipowners, bridge equipment manufacturers, service providers, and system integrators. A list of companies represented within the JWG can be obtained on request to the Secretariats of CIRM or BIMCO.
The Industry Standard was developed between 2014 and 2017. The work encompassed a pilot project wherein a draft version of the standard was implemented on board ships on a trial basis, the results of which were used to amend the contents of the standard. The following companies participated in the pilot project: BP Shipping, Emarat Maritime, Furuno, Kongsberg Maritime, Maersk Line, MAN Diesel & Turbo, Radio Holland, and Sperry Marine.



Industry Standard Software Maintenance of Shipboard Equipment v10.pdf

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