gillnumil ® 11-Feb-2022 14:34

Dictionary of Marine Natural Products

Year: 2007
Language: english
Author: John W. Blunt
Publisher: Chapman & Hall / CRC
ISBN: 978-0-8493-8216-1
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Pages count: 2538
Description: Driven by the vast, yet largely unexplored, potential of bioactive organisms in the ocean and improvements in analytical techniques to facilitate their research, natural products scientists face an increasing need for single-source reference cataloging the current knowledge and state-of-the-science regarding marine natural products.
Dictionary of Marine Natural Products with CD-ROM presents a comprehensive resource for more than 25,000 known natural products drawn from marine organisms. Following a similar format to the Chapman and Hall Chemical Database, this dictionary indexes each product by chemical name, CAS registry number, and compound type. Documenting all known marine natural products, each entry includes the biological source, chemical structure, physical properties, biological activity, and literature references for each compound. An accompanying CD-ROM is fully text and structure-searchable and enables unique access to this valuable resource. The editors, John Blunt and Murray Munro, both pioneers in the field, also provide an introductory monograph that describes structural compound types and marine organisms.
Marine organisms offer a delicate, yet plentiful source for a vast array of novel products whose unique structural features make them suitable drug candidates, pesticides, marine anti-fouling agents, and more. The
Dictionary of Marine Natural Products Web Version gives researchers a new tool for developing pharmaceutical and chemical applications of marine natural products.



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