twicer ® 26-Apr-2022 09:28

International Travel and Health (2020 update)

Year: 2020
Language: english
Author: WHO
Genre: Handbook
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 351
Description: International Travel and Health Updated up to 2020 by WHO
This book explains how travellers can stay healthy and provides WHO guidance on vaccinations, malaria chemoprophylaxis and treatment, personal protection against insects and other disease vectors, and safety in different environmental settings. It covers all the principal risks to travellers’ health, both during their journeys and at their destinations. It describes all relevant infectious diseases, including their causative agents, modes of transmission, clinical features and geographical distribution, and provides details of prophylactic and preventive measures.
This book is intended for the medical and public health professionals who advise travellers, but it is also a standard reference for travel agents, airlines and shipping companies – and for travellers themselves.
What New:
- Chapter 7 - Malaria (2020 update)
- Chapter 6 - Vaccine-preventable diseases and vaccines (2019 update)



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