Ocean Sharif ® 21-Jun-2022 18:50

Shipboard Cyber Security and Response Manual

Year: 2021
Language: english
Author: BSM
Genre: Manual
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 95
Description: 1) Cyber security events include:
a) Software malfunction
b) Hardware malfunction
c) Email / Communication failure
d) Phishing attacks
e) Virus attacks
f) Data breaches
g) Security breaches
2) Report the following to company IT and the TSI:
a) System issues
b) Security events


1) Cyber security events include:
a) Software malfunction
b) Hardware malfunction
c) Email / Communication failure
d) Phishing attacks
e) Virus attacks
f) Data breaches
g) Security breaches
2) Report the following to company IT and the TSI:
a) System issues
b) Security events


Shipboard Cyber Security and Response Manual.pdf

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