twicer ® 23-Jun-2022 16:41

British Admiralty Charts in pdf format

Year: 201x
Language: english
Author: GNS
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: Multiple
Description: British Admiralty Charts in pdf format, this chart has been printed on the understanding that it is not to be used for navigation. see "contents" for details.


BA3316 Novorossiysk
BA3311 Approaches to Novorossiysk
BA1015 Southern Approaches to Istanbul Bogazi (the Bosporus)
BA1195 Anchorages in the Southern Approaches to Istanbul Bogazi



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Thank U
twicer ® 23-Jun-2022 18:20
dear skipper3362 thank you very much, but i guess you do not quite understand what it is, how and Especially when to use these charts. sorry
twicer ® 23-Jun-2022 19:55
skipper3362, completely agree, but every navigator on board the ship will say that it is better to have these charts at sea than to have nothing else at all, neither paper nor electronic. even can be used for reference only, means better than nothing.
twicer ® 23-Jun-2022 23:09
with all due respect, this is the voice of the Superintendent and not a practicing seaman
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