b8361811 05-May-2024 14:21
Folks, it is such a shame that I saw this major update to our beloved MC-90V-Simulator only today. On wednesday I will be going on a three week holiday. But when I return, I promise to continue Ichoffs work and try to sort out the problems with the licensing.
In the NIS directory, there are three license management DLL's compiled from unobfuscated C# code. The usual decompilers work quite well on that. In the simulator.exe there is a reference to a file "lisens.txt" (probably norwegian spelling). So maybe we can reverse engineer the whole licensing algorithm, instead of patching the binary? Not sure. There is a reference to RSA public-key-algorithms, which, wenn done right, are not hackable without patching the binary.
Ichoff ® 01-Dec-2024 18:31
b8361811, Can you get in touch with me so we can get this reverse engineering project up on Github for other developers to help us out. My reverse engineering skill is just basic level but I'm really into making this work.
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