twicer ® 28-Nov-2022 11:46

GMDSS: A User's Handbook

Year: 2017
Language: english
Author: Denise Bréhaut
Genre: Handbook
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Edition: 6th
ISBN: 9781472945679
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 129
Description: Denise Bréhaut explains the system and clearly outlines the procedures required to get help quickly, as well as covering the syllabi of the General Operator's Certificate (GOC), the Long Range Certificate (LRC), and the Restricted Operator's Certificate (ROC). Concise descriptions of channel usage, call signals, types of transmission modes, and all the various equipment involved-both aboard and throughout the entire system--allows novices as well as long-time users to thoroughly understand this life-saving communication system. Maps of INMARSAT areas and clear instructions for step-by-step distress communication protocols make this THE GMDSS bible. The sixth edition of GMDSS incorporates all the changes to the regulations that came into force in 2009 as well as the 2016 system updates.
GMDSS: A User's Handbook has proven an invaluable reference for exam candidates and equipment users for almost twenty years, both in UK and North America. The clear and lucid text is supported with illustrations, handy Q&A sections, and a quick-reference review guide for GOC and LRC students.
Since it was first published, this book has helped explain the system for anyone using GMDSS and has been excellent pre-course reading.



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