twicer ® 19-Dec-2022 00:34

The Lost Submarines of Pearl Harbor

Year: 2016
Language: english
Author: James P. Delgado and Others
Publisher: Texas A&M University Press
Edition: November 7, 2016
ISBN: 9781623494667
Format: EPUB/PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 240 Print length
Description: Ed Rachal Foundation Nautical Archaeology Series
In the pre-dawn darkness of December 7, 1941, five Imperial Japanese Navy submarines surfaced off the coast of Oahu. Secured to the decks of these vessels were secret weapons to be deployed for the first time in modern warfare: two-man midget submarines, intended to enter Pearl Harbor without being detected and torpedo the US Navy battleships lying at anchor there. None of them would return from their mission.
These words by Daniel J. Basta, from the foreword of this work, capture both the essence and the impact of The Lost Submarines of Pearl Harbor. James P. Delgado and his coauthors have worked on the story of these incredible craft for decades. They combed the records of the US Navy and the recollections of its veterans as well as Japanese, Australian, and British archives in order to uncover the truth. They have logged hours of direct observation and research on the midget subs in their final resting places, in some cases more than 1,000 feet below the surface of the Pacific. And in the end, they have woven a tapestry of scholarship, historical sleuthing, scientific insight, and good storytelling that will enthrall specialists and history enthusiasts alike.



The Lost Submarines of Pearl Harbor

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