5sb1 ® 22-Feb-2023 11:29

Victotia-class Battleship HMS Victoria (1887) - Paper Model

Year: 2009
Language: English
Author: CarlP. Beetz
Genre: Other
Publisher: GreMir Models
Edition: GBM 002 (054)
Format: JPEG
Quality: eBook
Number of pages: 82
Description: Victoria as a model carries a lot of detail, most of which is not that difficult to execute. The final appearance of the kit depends to a great extent upon the successful construction of the boat frames over the top of the spar deck. Care should be taken to do this piece cleanly. Originally the model was designed and built as a waterline representation and the lower hull was added on over a year after the upper model was complete. The lower hull can be attached to the upper from the start of the build or can be built separately and applied later. It is possible to construct the kit so that the lower hull is removable from the upper.
There are many sheets of diagrams to assist the modeler. It may be possible to do the construction without printing these out - referring to them on the computer when needed.
Construction generally follows the path of framing, building the upper decks and structure, filling in spar deck structures, bridge, boat frames, aft gun and pieces, turret and fore deck parts, and then general finishing including the mast, boats, rigging and small details.


Paper model Battleship HMS Victoria (1887), Scale 1:250


GreMir Models 054 - HMS Victory

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