5sb1 ® 01-Mar-2023 14:31

The Colonial Schooner 1763-1775

Year: 1981
Language: english
Author: Harold M. Hahn
Genre: History
Publisher: Osprey Publishing
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 184
Description: Modelmaking was originally a hobby for Harold Hahn, and his writing was solely a matter of describing his hobby for the more serious ship-modelling periodicals, such as Model Shipwright in Britain and the Nautical Research Journal in the USA. Undoubtedly his greatest achievement is the Colonial Shipyard Diorama model, now in the Mariner's Museum, Newport News, Virginia. At a scale of i in = 1 ft (1/96) the model measures only 42 in x 19 in, but contains six models of schooners in varying stages of construction, and a myriad of hand-carved figures representing the activities and trades to be found in a wooden shipyard.
The diorama was also the inspiration for this book, which is derived from extensive research into the technical details of the schooners and the Colonial shipbuilding trade. During this research much of the historical background also emerged, and it proved an enthralling and irresistible story. Thus the book is able to give a complete picture of the importance of the colonial schooner in pre-Revolutionary America.
Harold Hahn's ship models, and the carved figures that bring them to life, prove that he is a craftsman of rare skill. However, he is also an artist, as can be seen from the exquisite etchings reproduced in this book.
Although never intended as advertisements, his articles prompted so many commissions that Harold Hahn has now become a full-time modelmaker. He lives in Lyndhurst, Ohio, is a leading member of the Nautical Research Guild, and is one of the best known shipmodellers in the world. This book can only enhance that reputation.



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