Vitbar192 ® 03-Apr-2023 15:18

Building classic small craft - complete plans and instructions for 47 boats

Year: 1997
Language: english
Author: Gardner J.
Genre: Manual
Publisher: International Marine
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 568
Description: Combining two out of print books, Building Classic Small Craft and More Building Classic Small Craft, this edition includes plans, offsets and building instructions for 47 different boats.
  • L. Francis Herreshoff's Pram
  • A Lowell Dory Skiff
  • A Car-Top Dory
  • The Peapod
  • The St. Lawrence River Skiff
  • The Origin of the Whitehall
  • The Barnegat Sneakbox
  • Herreshoff Rowboat and Modified McInnis Bateau
  • Merrymeeting Bay Duckboat
  • Down East Workboat
  • Matinicus Peapod
  • 16-Foot Swampscott Dory and many more.
For each design the author provides plans and text that take the reader through the building cycle, from laying down the lines to setting up, lining off, planking, timbering, and finishing out. Gardner also describes the origin and evolution of each boat type, and he profiles some of the builders and designers of the past who were instrumental in their development.
Additional info: John Gardner, a teacher and writer by training, was a rare man, good with both words and tools. As Associate Curator of Small Craft at Mystic Seaport Museum from 1969 to 1995, he became the leading advocate and teacher of building small wooden boats. He sought out the best remaining examples of classic wooden boats. Then he measured them, drew them, researched their histories, and wrote out instructions so clear and complete that any amateur builder with modest talent and ambition could build a beautiful boat.



Gardner J. Building classic small craft - complete plans and instructions for 47 boats, 1997.pdf

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