Vitbar192 ® 04-May-2023 22:07

Alone at sea

Year: 1958
Language: english
Author: Lindeman H.
Genre: History
Publisher: Random House
ISBN: 9789110013377
Format: PDF/EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 111
Description: From a very early age I have loved the sea and sailing.
When I was a small boy, my grandfather, a sailor from the
old windjammer days, stirred my imagination with the lore
of sailing and the legends of the sea. Under his guidance I
first learned how to handle a boat. As I grew up, my interests
and activities widened to include long trips in sailboats and
in folding boats small, kayak-like boats with collapsible
wooden frames and rubberized canvas covers. I sailed the
rivers of Europe, and when my skill and confidence increased,
I sought more exciting voyages. Single-handed, I rounded
the Iberian Peninsula and sailed through the Mediterranean.
Out of these experiences gradually grew the idea for the
greatest adventure in single-handed sailing an Atlantic




Lindeman H. Alone at sea, 1958

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