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Hearst Marine Books Complete Guide to Anchoring and Line Handling

Year: 1996
Language: English
Author: David G. Brown
Genre: Guide
Publisher: Hearst Marine Books
Edition: First
ISBN: 978-0688137342
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 132
Description: As every boat owner knows, proper line handling is essential to the safe operation of every power- and sailboat. This book focuses on the practical - and time-saving - aspects of line handling. Areas covered range from mooring and docking to anchoring and sailboat running rigging. You'll learn how to select, handle, and knot synthetic rope; tie your boat safely for the night or the season; rig fenders and chafing gear to protect your boat; choose a safe overnight anchorage; make your anchor hold, then get it back again; navigate river and canal locks; tow a dinghy without hassles; heave a line ashore or to another boat; tow another boat in an emergency (and when not to); improve your boat's deck hardware; and much, much more!
This guide also covers the techniques and assorted hardware for using line effectively, from riding out a storm at anchor to setting up a permanent mooring.



Hearst Marine Books Complete Guide to Anchoring and Line Handling

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