twicer ® 12-Aug-2023 08:26

Cloud Types for Observers

Year: 201x
Language: english
Author: Met Office
Genre: Handbook
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 45
Description: Cloud Types for Observers illustrates and explains the classification of cloud types, so that observers are able to report the types of cloud present.
Clouds are continually changing and appear in an infinite variety of forms. It is possible, however, to define a limited number of characteristic forms observed all over the world into which clouds can be broadly grouped. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has drawn up a classification of these characteristic forms to enable an observer to report the types of cloud present. This publication illustrates and explains the classifications.
In this publication a separate section is devoted to the clouds of each level. At the beginning of each section a pictorial guide shows the priority of coding.
Additional info:

Cloud Types for Observers - Meteorological Office [1999, PDF]

Author: Meteorological Office | Year: 1999 | Language: english | Format: PDF | Quality: Scanned pages | Pages count: 8 | Publisher: TSO (The Stationary Office)

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