5sb1 ® 08-Nov-2023 10:44

American Vikings: How the Norse Sailed into the Lands and Imaginations of America

Year: 2023
Language: english
Author: Martyn Whittock
Genre: History
Publisher: Pegasus Books
Format: EPUB
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 201
Description: A vivid and illuminating new history—separate fact from fiction, myth from legend—exploring the early Vikings settlements in North America. Vikings are an enduring subject of fascination. The combination of adventure, mythology, violence, and exploration continues to grip our attention. As a result, for more than a millennium the Vikings have traveled far and wide, not least across the turbulent seas of our minds and imaginations. The geographical reach of the Norse was extraordinary. For centuries medieval sagas, first recorded in Iceland, claimed that Vikings reached North America around the year 1000. This book explores that claim, separating fact from fiction and myth from mischief, to assess the enduring legacy of this claim in America.
The search for "American Vikings" connects a vast range of different areas; from the latest archaeological evidence for their actual settlement in North America to the myth-making of nineteenth-century Scandinavian pioneers in the Midwest; and from ancient adventurers to the political ideologies in the twenty-first century. It is a journey from the high seas of a millennium ago to the swirling waters and dark undercurrents of the online world of today.
Additional info: AudioBook:

American Vikings: How the Norse Sailed into the Lands and Imaginations of America - Martyn Whittock [Byron Wagner, 2024]

Author: Martyn Whittock | Performer: Byron Wagner | Year: 2024 | Language: English | Genre: History | Publisher: Spotify Audiobooks | Audio codec: MP3 @ 64 kbps

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A vivid and illuminating new history—separate fact from fiction, myth from legend—exploring the early Vikings settlements in North America.


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