Gogo81 ® 27-Dec-2023 20:49

Deep Sea Sailing

Year: 1978
Language: English
Author: Eroll Bruce
Genre: Handbook
Edition: First paperback
ISBN: 0-679-50853-8
Format: PDF & EPUB
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 270
Description: ". . . should be compulsory reading for
any person planning an ocean cruise in a small boat."
As a deep-water sailor, Erroll Bruce has few peers-and no one has managed to blend adventure and instruction together better than the former skipper of the famed Samuel Pepys. The name Erroll Bruce has become a byword in yachting through his unique skill as an off-shore racing skipper and his rare talent with a pen. DEEP SEA SAILING is an excellent manual for all sailors, racing and cruising alike.
''No serious yachtsman who takes his vessel out of sight of land can afford to be without it."



Deep sea sailing

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