twicer ® 21-Jan-2024 16:52

Bunker Master

Year: 201x
Developer: Veritas Petroleum Services
Platform: Windows
64-bit OS compatibility: yes
System Requirements: Windows
Localization: English
Crack: Included (License Key)
Description: The version 3.2 of the recognized and popular Bunker Master marine application that was developed by the professionals of theVeritas Petroleum Services and was proven to be very effective. This compact software offers users a perfect suite of valuable applications as well as info-updates and tools intended to assist crew members in different aspects of the fuel management.
The most important features of the present program would include calculations, determination and conversion of the fuel quantity assisting in working out the quality of the fuel to be delivered to the vessel, calculation and conversion of the energy content for proper evaluation, calculation of fuel blending which helps to find an accurate fuel blend ratio and minimize any stability and compatibility issues, etc.
Believe it is needless to underline that such a wide choice of available tools makes this software very useful to everyone involved in the fuel management of the vessel, bunkering activities, persons responsible for the quality of the fuel, control of the emissions to the atmosphere and all other related issues.
• Energy Calculations
• Energy Conversion
• Ignition Quality Calculations
• Gravity Conversion
• Quantity Conversion
• Quantity Determination
• Blend Calculations
• Viscosity Calculations
• Viscosity Conversion
• Temperature Conversion
Standard Forms:
• Sample Details Form
• Ship Information Form
• Sample Booking
* "Bunker Master" software help files included.


Bunker master 3.2.2

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