twicer ® 08-Mar-2024 16:22

Guidelines for Open-top Ships

Year: 2024
Language: English
Author: ClassNK
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 21
Description: In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for the transport of large cargoes such as offshore wind power generation equipment without hatch covers on container carriers and general cargo vessels.
The IMO adopted the “Interim Guidelines for Open-top Containerships” (IMO circular MSC/Circ.608/Rev.1) in July 1994 to serve as its guideline for “open-top” containerships (i.e. container carriers with cargo holds not fitted with hatch covers) and it specifies requirements for model test procedures, hold bilge dewatering systems, fire-protection and other matters related to such ships.
Therefore, based on the aforementioned IMO guideline and its own knowledge and experience, the Society developed its “Guidelines for Open-top Ships” to provide requirements related to the transport of cargoes on open-top ships. The Guidelines cover not only container carriers but also extend the original scope of IMO guideline to include general cargo ships and other cargo ships.
The Guidelines will provide useful information to relevant industry members and help contribute to the safe transport of cargoes by open-top ships.



Guidelines for Open-top Ships_202403.pdf

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