twicer ® 12-Mar-2024 10:43

Marine Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) Response Manual

Year: 2024
Language: English
Author: ITOPF
Genre: Manual
Edition: 17 January 2024
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 335
Description: Responding to chemical spills is not as straightforward as spills of oil. Many unique scenarios can emerge during an HNS incident due to the variety of chemicals present, their hazards, how they behave in the environment, potential effects on human health and their varying physical and chemical properties.
The present Manual has been developed by Cedre, ISPRA and ITOPF in the framework of the West MOPoCo project at the request of the Secretariat of the Bonn Agreement, HELCOM and REMPEC, to provide state of the art information on HNS pollution preparedness and response. The competent national authorities of Member States of the three regional conventions were consulted at each step of the drafting process, to ensure the Manual meets their operational needs and to enrich it with their national experience in responding to chemical spills at sea.
The objective of this Marine HNS Response Manual is to provide operational guidance for first responders and decision-makers during a maritime incident at sea or in port involving HNS. The manual does not cover all aspects of an incident involving HNS, but specifically addresses relevant offshore and onshore spill response techniques (but excludes topics such as search and rescue, salvage, medical treatment).



Marine HNS Response Manual

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