Vitbar192 ® 13-Mar-2024 10:43

To the ice and beyond - sailing solo across 32 oceans and seaways

Year: 2016
Language: English
Author: Kendall G.
Genre: History
Publisher: ‎ Mary Egan Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-473-35326-1
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 208
Description: All alone for 193 days in his purpose-built yacht Astral Express, New Zealand yachtsman Graeme Kendall crossed 28,000 miles of ocean, facing some of the Earth’s most challenging seas. An enthralling adventure, To The Ice And Beyond will inspire you to live your dreams and to never give up. During his extraordinary solo circumnavigation, Kendall became the first person to sail the Northwest Passage solo non-stop. Sailing east to west, he knocked off the “Everest of sailing” in just 12 days - the fastest recorded. This is a story of determination, meticulous planning and rugged courage. "... this is a book to be savoured, to be read time and again" - Dr Tom Schnackenberg OBE



Kendall G. To the ice and beyond, 2016

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