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Stochastic Dynamics of Marine Structures

Year: 2012
Language: English
Author: Arvid Naess & Torgeir Moan
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Edition: Kindle
ISBN: 978-0521881555
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 426
Description: Stochastic Dynamics of Marine Structures is a text for students and a reference for professionals on the basic theory and methods used for stochastic modelling and analysis of marine structures subjected to environmental loads. The first part of the book provides a detailed introduction to the basic dynamic analysis of structures, serving as a foundation for later chapters on stochastic response analysis. This includes an extensive chapter on the finite element method. A careful introduction to stochastic modelling is provided, which includes such concepts as stochastic process, variance spectrum, random environmental processes, response spectrum, response statistics and short- and long-term extreme value models. The second part of the book offers detailed discussion of limit state design approaches, fatigue design methods, the equations of motion for dynamic structures and numerical solution techniques. The final chapter highlights methods for prediction of extreme values from measured data or data obtained by Monte Carlo simulation.
Additional info: About the Authors:
Arvid Naess has been a professor of structural engineering since 1987 and of mathematical statistics since 2001 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Professor Naess has worked on a wide range of problems related to stochastic dynamics of structures and structural safety and reliability. He has published more than 250 scientific papers and lectured at conferences and universities worldwide. He is the associate editor of several international engineering journals. He is a recipient of the Alfred M. Freudenthal Medal from ASCE and is an elected Fellow of the ASME and ASCE.
Torgeir Moan has been a professor of marine structures at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology since 1977. He was the first Keppel Professor at the National University of Singapore (2002–2007). Professor Moan's work focuses on structural analysis and design of marine structures, with an emphasis on structural risk and reliability analysis; as well as probabilistic analysis of wave- and wind-induced stochastic dynamic load effects. He is an editor of the Journal of Marine Structures and serves on the boards of several other journals. Professor Moan has received various awards for his research, including the Statoil and the ASME James W. Rice Awards. He is an elected Fellow of ASCE, IABSE and The Offshore Energy Center Hall of Fame.




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