gillnumil ® 09-May-2024 06:45

The Tinfish Run

Year: 2018
Language: English
Author: Ronald Bassett
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Lume Books
Edition: Kindle
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 232
Description: 1942.
A convoy of merchantmen with its naval escort ploughs through the Arctic seas towards northern Russia.
In the grey seas beneath them lurk the deadly U-boat packs and in the skies above, cloud hides the squadrons of dive-bombing Stukas.
Aboard V&W class destroyer Virtue, Ordinary Seaman ‘Lobby’ Ludd is making his first trip in the service of His Majesty …
Cockney Lobby Ludd, eighteen, fighting against U-boat ""tinfish"" (torpedoes), arctic gales, and bone-weariness, hears the ribald tales and learns the tricks and techniques of survival from his salty older shipmates.
But as the enemy mounts its attack, and the atmosphere intensifies, will the men’s camaraderie be enough to see them through?
Or will The Tinfish Run turn out to be their final voyage?
Additional info: Book 1 of 3
About the author:
Ronald Bassett joined the Navy as a boy. His first ship was the cruiser Norfolk in which he served as a Telegraphist in the Arctic during the Bismarck action, and the North African landings. He served in landing craft during the invasion of Normandy.



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