Nemo ® 03-Jul-2024 07:19

Simple Colregs - Rules of the Road

Year: 2024
Version: 4.0.2
Developer: A.S.C
Platform: Android
64-bit OS compatibility: yes
System Requirements: Android 7.0+, Use AppGallery to install .XAPK files
Localization: english
Crack: Not needed
Description: The Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs)
- Updated to latest amendment featuring Rules 39, 40, 41 supplement 2016.
This is a basic offline application to keep Colreg's and the meanings handy when you actually need them.
Rules with explanation and audio guide from rules 1-19 have been provided.


Simple Colregs - ROR_4.0.2.xapk

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