5sb1 ® 24-Jul-2024 10:24

Warships International 1969-3 - Summer

Year: 1969
Language: English
Author: Edward C. Fisher (Editor)
Genre: Periodical (magazine)
Edition: 1969-3
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 86
Description: From a small beginning in 1964, this quarterly journal has become internationally recognized as the most authoritative English-language publication in the warship field. Each issue averages 100 pages, with fact-filled articles, mainly but not exclusively the original work of our members. Subjects cover all navies and all types of ships from about 1860 to date, liberally illustrated with photographs which are highly praised for their quality, many of which have rarely been printed before, and with excellent line drawings and plans-a valuable resource for ship modelers.



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