Vitbar192 ® 26-Jul-2024 09:13

Great explorers. With fantastic unfolding cross-sections!

Year: 2013
Language: English
Author: Biesty S., Ross S.
Genre: History
Publisher: Walker Books
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 65
Description: «From Pytheas the Greek, who sailed to the Arctic Circle without a compass, to Neil Armstrong landing on the moon - here are 14 extraordinary journeys by land, sea and air - each remarkable for the way it was made, for the technology behind it, and for the inspiration it gave to future generations».
To the frozen North : Pytheas the Greek sails to Ultima Thule, around 340 BC.
The mystery of Vinland : Leif Eriksson reaches the coast of America, AD 1003.
Riding the silk road : Marco Polo's adventures in Asia, 1271-74.
From China to India. Zheng He's treasure fleet crosses the Western Sea, 1405-07.
Right around the world : searching for spice with Christopher Columbus & Ferdinand Magellan, 1492-1522.
A southern continent? Captain Cook maps the Pacific Ocean, 1768-71.
Inside Africa : steaming upriver with David Livingstone, 1858-64, and Mary Kingsley, 1895.
Over the North Pole: Umberto Nobile flies across the Arctic, 1928.
Above and below : the Piccards soar to the stratosphere and plunge to the Mariana Trenc, 1932-60.
On the roof of the world : Tenzing Norgan and Edmund Hillary scale Mount Everest, 1953.
Man on the moon : Apollo 11 rockets into space, 1969.



Biesty S., Ross S. Great explorers. With fantastic unfolding cross-sections!, 2013.pdf

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