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Историческая реконструкция шхун «Николай» и «Константин» Аральской экспедиции А.И. Бутакова - Глебов А.М. [2019, JPEG] 5sb1 5 MB 5
Лайнеры на войне 1936-1968 гг. постройки - Кудишин Иван, Челядинов Михаил [2002, PDF] 5sb1 10 MB 5
Лайнеры на войне 1897-1914 гг. постройки - Кудишин Иван, Челядинов Михаил [2002, PDF] 5sb1 7 MB 7
Great Cruise Ships and Ocean Liners from 1954 to 1986: A Photographic Survey - William H. Jr. Miller [1988, PDF] 5sb1 208 MB 1
German Luxury Ocean Liners: from Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse to Aidastella - Schwerdtner N. [2013, PDF] 5sb1 306 MB 2
Deutsche Seebäderschiffe 1830 bis 1939 - Claus Rothe [1989, PDF] 5sb1 121 MB 1
Days of the Steamboats - William H. Ewen [1967, PDF] 5sb1 13 MB 1
Cross Channel and Short Sea Ferries: An Illustrated History - Ambrose Greenway [2014, EPUB] 5sb1 103 MB 1
Commercial Ships on the Great Lakes: A Photo Gallery - Franz Von Riedel [2005, PDF] 5sb1 176 MB 1
Canberra: In the Wake of a Legend - Philip S. Dawson [1997, PDF] 5sb1 66 MB 1
Die Hamburger Seebader- und Fahrschiffe 1945-1973 - Peter Schonfeldt [1973, PDF] 5sb1 181 MB 1
Die Entwicklung, deutsche Serien nach 1945, die Schicksale der Hansa-A-Frachter - Gert Uwe Detlefsen, Hans Jurgen Abert [1998, PDF] 5sb1 185 MB 1
Great Passenger Ships of the World Today - Kludas A. [1992, PDF] Vitbar192 224 MB 0
Fifty Famous Liners 3 - Braynard F. [1987, PDF] Vitbar192 300 MB 0
The History of Ships - Peter Kemp [1978, PDF] 5sb1 131 MB 4
The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Guide to Steamships - Christopher Chant [1989, PDF] 5sb1 101 MB 3
'Titanic' and Other White Star Ships [PDF] Vitbar192 6 MB 2
RMS Queen Mary: The World's Favourite Liner - David Ellery [2023, EPUB] 5sb1 23 MB 4
The Monitor And The Navy Under Steam - Frank M. Bennett [1900, PDF] 5sb1 22 MB 4
Лайнеры на войне. "Лузитания", "Кайзер Вильгельм дер Гроссе", "Куин Элизабет" и другие - Кудишин И.В. [2017, PDF] 5sb1 19 MB 5
US passenger liners since 1945 - Milton H Watson [1988, PDF] 5sb1 236 MB 2
Ugly ducklings Japan's WWII Liberty type standard ships - S.C.Heal [2003, PDF] 5sb1 138 MB 3
The Steam Yachts An Era of Elegance - Erik Hofman [1970, PDF] 5sb1 103 MB 3
Famous Ocean Liners - The Story of Passenger Shipping, From the Turn of the Century to the Present Day - Miller W.H. [1987, PDF] Vitbar192 180 MB 2
Challenger at Sea: A Ship that Revolutionized Earth's Science - Kenneth Jinghwa Hsu [1992, PDF] mechcookie 44 MB 2
Stena Line (World of Ships 25) - (World of Ships 15) [2022, PDF] 5sb1 54 MB 2
World of Ships: The ships of a famous British shipping group - Malcolm Cranfield [2022, PDF] twicer 18 MB 2
Jupiter: The Ghost Ship - Julian Chitta [2012, EPUB] gillnumil 393 KB 2
World of Ships: The American Merchant Marine (Its Lesser Known Ships and Lines) - Issue 23 - Nicholas Leach (Editor) [2022, PDF] gillnumil 31 MB 3
Ships of the Great Lakes: Sixty five Great Lakes Freighters - John Macdonald [2017, EPUB] gillnumil 5 MB 1
Справочник по серийным транспортным судам 1-4 тома - Министерство речного флота РСФСР [1965, PDF] lancer_lord 86 MB 2
Passenger Liners in Colour - Williams D. [2007, PDF] Vitbar192 127 MB 2
Ten Select Passenger Ships (World of Ships №21) - Knego P. [2021, PDF] Vitbar192 57 MB 0
RMS Queen Mary - 101 Questions and Answers About the Great Transatlantic Liner - Ellery D. [2021, EPUB] Vitbar192 68 MB 2
Cruise Ships (World of Ships) - Moorhouse A. [2021, PDF] Vitbar192 96 MB 3
Giants of the Seas - The Ships that Transformed Modern Cruising - Saunders A. [2013, PDF/EPUB] Vitbar192 45 MB 2
World of Ships - Issue 19, 2021 - World of Ships [2021, PDF] SKM 88 MB 1
A History of Ocean Liners in 50 Objects - Berry (Author), Mark (Author) [2020, EPUB] SKM 58 MB 2
Wartime Standard Ships - Robins N. [2017, PDF] Vitbar192 148 MB 2
The Edwardian Superliners - A Trio of Trios - Layton J.K., Chirnside M. [2013, MOBI] Vitbar192 12 MB 2
The Queens of the North Atlantic - Lacey R. [1976, PDF] Vitbar192 16 MB 2
Legacy of the White Star Line - Titanic, Olympic, Britannic and other White Star Line Ships - Turner T.P.D. [2017, PDF] Vitbar192 19 MB 2
Transatlantic Liners - Glory Day's - Williams D.L. [2000, PDF] Vitbar192 43 MB 2
Voyages from the Past - A History of Passengers at Sea - Wills S. [2014, PDF/EPUB] Vitbar192 9 MB 1
The QE2 Story - Frame C., Cross R. [2009, PDF] Vitbar192 62 MB 2
The Queen Mary - Her Early Years Recalled - Winter C.W.R. [1986, PDF] Vitbar192 161 MB 1
Ocean liners to cruise ships (World of Ships 18) - Shaw J. [2021, PDF] Vitbar192 90 MB 1
Holland America Line (World of Ships 17) - Schoonderbeek А. [2021, PDF] Vitbar192 21 MB 2
Olympic, Titanic and Britannic (World of Ships 16) - McCutcheon С. [2020, PDF] Vitbar192 21 MB 0
Ferries of the British Isles (World of Ships 15) - Leah N., Plummer R. [2020, PDF] Vitbar192 22 MB 0

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