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Red Star over the Pacific - Toshi Yoshihara [2018, EPUB] knowme73 9 MB 12
Корабли китайского флота - Павлов А.С. [1996, PDF] 5sb1 97 MB 1
Peoples Liberation Army Navy Ships - Collective [2008, PDF] Vitbar192 21 MB 2
US Seventh Fleet, Vietnam 1964–75: American naval power in Southeast Asia - US Seventh Fleet, Vietnam 1964–75: American naval power in Southeast Asia [2023, PDF] 5sb1 52 MB 3
The Chinese Steam Navy 1862-1945 - Richard N. J. Wright [2001, PDF] 5sb1 55 MB 3
Chinese Grand Strategy and Maritime Power: Grand Strategy and Maritime Power - Thomas M. Kane [2002, PDF] 5sb1 18 MB 4
Asian Waters - The Struggle Over the South China Sea and the Strategy of Chinese Expansion - Hawksley H. [2018, EPUB] Vitbar192 6 MB 8
War At Sea: Issue 6 - The Chinese Navy Today - David Reynolds [2021, PDF] gillnumil 58 MB 2
China’s Maritime Security Strategy - The Evolution of a Growing Sea Power - Edward Sing Yue Chan [2022, PDF] aomont 3 MB 10
China's Maritime Gray Zone Operations - Andrew, S. Erickson [2019, EPUB] SKM 482 MB 0
The Maritime Defence of China: Ming General Qi Jiguang and Beyond - Y.H. Teddy Sim [2017, PDF] SKM 4 MB 6
China's Energy Strategy: The Impact on Beijing's Maritime Policies - Gabriel B. Collins, et al. [2008, PDF] kpanago1960 14 MB 4
China's Rising Sea Power: The PLA Navy's Submarine Challenge - Peter Howarth [2006, PDF] NNT 936 KB 5

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