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Meteorology for Coastal Scientists - Robert V. Rohli and Chunyan Li [2021, PDF] SKM 33 MB 1
Marine Simulation and Ship Manoeuvrability - 1996 [M.S. Chislett, PDF] SKM 206 MB 5
The Rights and Obligations of States in Disputed Maritime Areas - YOURI VAN LOGCHEM [2021, PDF] SKM 4 MB 7
Naval Ship Models of World War II in 1/1250 and 1/1200 Scales: Enhancements, Conversions & Scratch Building - Robert K Liu [2021, EPUB] SKM 15 MB 5
Step by Step Drawing Ocean Animals For Kids: How to Draw Book For Kids, Sharks, Whales, Clownfish, Dolphins - Miriam R. Ahumada [2020, PDF] SKM 14 MB 0
My Encyclopedia of Very Important Oceans - DK [2021, PDF] SKM 72 MB 0
Portals of Globalization - Matthias Middell [2019, PDF] SKM 1 MB 2
How To Draw Ships And Boats For Kids - Sarah Paul and Laura Wilson [2021, EPUB] SKM 8 MB 0
The Indian Ocean in the Making of Early Modern India - Pius Malekandathil [2016, PDF] SKM 4 MB 4
The Everyday Leader: 14 Marine Corps Traits to Unlock Your Leadership DNA - Hema Crockett, Michael Crockett and Scott DeLisi [2021, EPUB] SKM 938 KB 5
The South China Sea Arbitration: A Chinese Perspective - Stefan Talmon and Bing Bing Jia [2014, PDF] SKM 1 MB 5
Analysis of Marine Diesel Engine Emission Characteristics of Different Power Ranges in China - Zhongmin Ma *, Yuanyuan Yang, Peiting Sun, Hui Xing, Shulin Duan, Hongfei Qu and Yongjiu Zou [2021, PDF] SKM 2 MB 2
Day Hiking Oregon Coast: Beaches, Headlands, Oregon Trail - Bonnie Henderson [2015, EPUB] SKM 33 MB 0
Renewable Energy From the Oceans : From Wave, Tidal and Gradient Systems to Offshore Wind and Solar - Domenico Coiro and Tonio Sant [2019, EPUB] SKM 9 MB 2
Common Rail Fuel Injection Technology in Diesel Engines - Guangyao Ouyang, Zhenming Liu, Shijie An, Yuxue Li [2019, PDF] SKM 22 MB 5
Polycentricity and Regional Ocean Governance: Implications for the Emerging UN Agreement on Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction - Kristina M. Gjerde and Siddharth Shekhar Yadav [2021, PDF] SKM 273 KB 0
Climate Change and Ocean Governance Politics and Policy for Threatened Seas - Politics and Policy [2019, PDF] SKM 4 MB 3
List IV - List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations (May2021) - ITU [2021, PDF] SKM 9 MB 1
Muslim Architecture of South India The Sultanate of Ma'bar and the Traditions of Maritime Settlers on the Malabar and Coromandel Coasts (Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Goa) - Mehrdad Shokoohy [2003, PDF] SKM 35 MB 0
Below the Edge of Darkness: A Memoir of Exploring Light and Life in the Deep Sea, UK Edition - Edith Widder [2021, PDF] SKM 8 MB 0
In a Sea of Empires: Networks and Crossings in the Revolutionary Caribbean - Jeppe Mulich [2020, PDF] SKM 6 MB 0
Shipping Today & Yesterday - September - Nigel Lawrence [2021, PDF] SKM 85 MB 2
The Race to Deep Decarbonization – A Documentary (Episode Two) - DNV [2021] SKM 36 MB 0
Annual Report: European seaports organization - Jacob Armstrong and Céline Lefort [2020, PDF] SKM 18 MB 2
Shipping Market Review - November 2021 - Danish Ship Finance [2021, PDF] SKM 2 MB 2
The Lost Fleet: The Discovery of a Sunken Armada from the Golden Age of Piracy - Barry Clifford [2003, PDF] SKM 1 MB 5
Intrepid Sailors: The Legacy of Preble's Boys and the Tripoli Campaign - Chipp Reid [2012, PDF] SKM 3 MB 5
The Social History of English Seamen, 1485-1649 - Cheryl A. Fury [2012, PDF] SKM 20 MB 2
The Voyage of the Slave Ship Hare : A Journey into Captivity from Sierra Leone to South Carolina - Sean M. Kelley [2016, EPUB] SKM 6 MB 4
Sea Monsters: Savage Submarine Commanders of World War Two - Tony Matthews [2021, EPUB] SKM 14 MB 1
Supply Chain Logistics Management, - Donald Bowersox, David Closs, M. Bixby Cooper [2020, PDF] SKM 23 MB 3
Maiden Voyages: Magnificent Ocean Liners and the Women Who Traveled and Worked Aboard Them - Siân Evans [2021, EPUB] SKM 25 MB 0
Blue Ecocriticism and the Oceanic Imperative - Sidney I. Dobrin [2021, PDF] SKM 30 MB 0
The Battle of the Bismarck Sea: The Forgotten Battle that Saved the Pacific - Michael Veitch [2021, PDF] SKM 3 MB 5
Knot Tying For Beginners: The Ultimate User Guide To Learn How To Tie And Identify Essential Knots For Sailing, Fishing - sophia B,R [2021, PDF] SKM 3 MB 4
Sailors Knots: Braided Rope Bracelet,Quick Guide for All BoatersSailboats, Powerboats, Fishing Boats, Trawlers, Houseboats - Jose Odaye [2021, PDF] SKM 3 MB 5
Basic Tie Knot: A Complete Step By Step Knot Tying Picture Guide With Survival Roping Techniques And Manual For Sailors - NOAH LESLEY JR [2020, PDF] SKM 3 MB 5
How to Survive in the Georgian Navy: A Sailor's Guide - NOAH LESLEY JR [2019, PDF] SKM 6 MB 5
A History of Sailing in 100 Objects - Barry Pickthall [2016, EPUB] SKM 17 MB 1
The Atlas of Disappearing Places: Our Coasts and Oceans in the Climate Crisis - CHRISTINA CONKLIN AND MARINA PSAROS [2021, PDF] SKM 57 MB 1
A History of Greece, 1300 to 30 BC - victor parker [2014, PDF] SKM 22 MB 1
ICT Solutions and Digitalisation in Ports and Shipping - Michele Fiorini, Natalie Gupta [2021, PDF] SKM 26 MB 2
Africa and the Indian Ocean World from Early Times to Circa 1900 - Martin Klein, University of Toronto [2019, PDF] SKM 31 MB 0
A European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: Implications for developing countries - UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT [2021, PDF] SKM 21 MB 2
A FAIR FUTURE FOR SEAFARERS - Nic Gardner & Nick Chubb [2021, PDF] SKM 1 MB 3
The 2021 Xinhua-Baltic International Shipping Centre Development (ISCD) Index - Xu Yu Chang [2021, PDF] SKM 27 MB 2
Impacts of Short‑Term Measures to Decarbonize Maritime Transport on Perishable Cargoes - Thalis P. V. Zis · Harilaos N. Psaraftis [2021, PDF] SKM 799 KB 3
Paul Elvstrom Explains the Racing Rules of Sailing - Paul Elvstrom, Soren Krause [2017, EPUB] SKM 16 MB 0
Stress-Free Sailing: Single and Short-handed Techniques, - Duncan Wells [2021, EPUB] SKM 531 MB 2
Tin Can Sailor: Life Aboard the USS Sterett, 1939-1945 - C. Raymond Calhoun [2014, EPUB] SKM 6 MB 1

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