zxc ® 03-Oct-2014 17:48

LightMaster Professional Radar CRT Simulator (Radar Trainer)

Year: 2000
Version: 4.0102
Developer: http://www.lightmaster.co.uk/
Platform: PC (Windows)
Compatibility with Windows7: yes
System Requirements: System Requirements :PC running Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP.Graphics capable of SVGA (800 x 600 dots) at better than 256 colours.4 Mb Hard disk space.8 Mb RAM.Sound Card optional (for Guard Zone Alarm).CD Drive for installation. Diskette and Win 3.1 versions available on request.
Localization: english
Crack: serial number
Description: Practice navigation and collision avoidance in the safety and comfort of your own home
Radar can be the most valuable navigational aid on any craft, but only if the crew are experienced in setting it up to produce the best display, then interpreting that information correctly.

The LightMaster Radar Trainer provides highly realistic practice in set-up, collision avoidance and coastal navigation, using your PC. Recommended by the RYA and central to the teaching of their radar courses.
A series of Exercises can be loaded to set all the conditions of chart area, initial position, course and speed, other traffic, sea state, wind and rain. A very easy visual programming system allows you to create any scenario you would like to try, so there are no limits to your learning with this excellent training and practice aid.


Additional info: Specifications
Choice of LCD or CRT radar set – Can be resized or shown side-by-side
CRT has full set of knobs and buttons for all functions, plus cursor rocker pad
LCD uses menus and soft-keys for function selection and settings
Choice of exercise areas: Open water, UK or Overseas
Detailed coastal modelling allows realistic pilotage into harbours
Weather modelling includes Wind, Clouds, Rain and Waves
Full controls for set-up, including Brilliance, Gain, Tuning, Sea-Clutter, Rain and FTC
Full operation controls, including Range, EBL, VRM, Wakes, Expansion and MARPA
Rudder, Throttle and Autopilot for full control of own vessel
Radar ranges from 1/8 mile to 24 miles for varied scenarios
Wide choice of own-ship and target vessels
Additional targets of Buoys, Racons and SARTs
Target vessels can follow preset routes or be free-running
Standalone or Network connected with instructor station
Exercises can easily be created, modified and stored for re-use
Special tools assist exercise design
Archive facility stores all details during exercises, for later replay and analysis
Extensive instructional video clips and training documents on CD
Easy for students at home or sea school
Versatile for sea schools, colleges, clubs and organisations
Professional features at a low, consumer level, cos


Radar Trainer

Download [17 KB]

Thank U
Guest 03-Mar-2015 17:59
I cant see the echoes in the radar screen. I use a laptop so my screen pixsel is not 800x600
How can I do? help me pls
mvsvit 24-May-2015 03:43
Как скачать? Не заходит со своим именем на эту прогу.
gsgcrecia 17-Nov-2015 13:54
What do I put in Name-Organisation-Key number to run the radar trainer??
baskos 21-Nov-2015 12:27
i cant install it on win10 , it asks for the location of the files or disk1 but clicking next does nothing
crazy_mActep 19-Dec-2015 20:20
Подтверждаю, на семёрке работает, но только нужно обязательно менять разрешение экрана 800x600
stupid 21-May-2017 18:26
Please tell me where is the download button :'(
zaskar 08-Aug-2019 13:56
dogancevik, You've got the serial number in one of the screenshots. Please check.
Edward Elric 04-Jan-2021 20:39
Marcuz, jamspaloma, baskos, and for any one having trouble on windows 10, what i did was simply to select all the files in the folder and created an iso file with them (you can do it with any iso utility tool) after that i mounted the create iso on a virtual drive and launched the Radarsetup and it's done.
zuplex 16-Aug-2022 19:32
zxc, Hello everyone, can someone please share into peers list to download from utorrent, i really apreciate i need it for a current cadet course, it will helpme a lot, thaks! Круто!!! Круто!!!
refresh list

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