twicer ® 25-Jun-2023 12:24

Reef VTS User Guide | Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Vessel Traffic Service

Year: 2022
Language: english
Author: Steven J Hardaker
Genre: Guide
Publisher: Maritime Safety Queensland
Edition: 10th
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 35
Description: The purpose of the Reef VTS user guide is to assist masters of ships transiting the Reef VTS area on the services provided by Reef VTS. It describes:
• the regulatory requirements for ships entering and transiting through the Reef VTS Area, including the mandatory reporting procedures, recommended shipping routes and compulsory pilotage areas;
• contact and communication requirements and
• the vessel traffic services provided by Reef VTS.
The information in this guide does not replace or change any rules in Australia’s Navigation Act 2012 which apply to waters within the Reef VTS Area (see section 4). If there is any difference between the information in the Reef VTS User Guide and the relevant laws, the relevant laws should be followed.
The master of a ship is responsible for the ship’s operation and is responsible for the safe navigation of the ship under all circumstances.
The information given here is a guide only. Any ship, owner, operator, charterer, master, or person directing the movement of a ship must still follow all relevant laws or regulations and must take any precautions required by ordinary seamanship or by the special circumstances of the case.



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