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The handbook of sailing

Year: 1992
Language: english
Edition: first
ISBN: 0679740635
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages + text layer
Pages count: 353
Description: Extremely comprehensive of almost all aspects of sailing (but it covers boat trailering very little.) For beginners (you can learn to sail with this) through advanced levels including spinnakers; it covers the range from small OD monohulls, cats, through cruising inboards; weather; navigation & lights; tides; first aid; knots; recovering from various emergencies; entering & leaving difficult moorings; rafting (including it's good manners to walk on the forward part of others' boats to preserve their privacy); anchoring, etc. Experts in any area will want greater detail on a topic but others will be grateful for the help that's here. The 1250 drawings and photos are outstanding for their clarity and illustrative value.


Basic sailing
Starting to sail 34
Choosing a sailboat 36
Car topping and trailing 38
Clothing and safety
equipment 40
Rigging the boat 48
Primary controls 56
Role or the crew 60
Basic seamanship 62
Going afloat 72
Leaving from and returning
to beaches. docks
and moorings 74
Capsizing and righting a
boat 86
Man overboard drill 91
Reefing 92
Anchoring 94
Stowing 96
Rules or the road 98
Advanced sailing
Improving your sailing 100
Advanced techniques 102
Trapezing 107
Advanced tacking and
jibing 110
Spinnaker techniques 112
Single-handed boats 120
Catamarans 122
Rough weather
techniques 131
Tuning a boat 134
Racing 138
Cruising Pilotage Planning a passage
Starting to cruise 150 Buoyage
Choosing a cruising boat 152
Basic cruising boat Planning a cruise 154 Meteorology156
Internal layout and
accom mod ation 158
Deck equipment 162
Tenders 172
Handli ng under power 174
Docking 176
Mooring and
anchoring 198
Seamanship techniques 204
ails and sail
handling 210
ight sailing 222
Sailing in fog 224
Rough weather
techniques 226
Rule of the road 228
Starting to navigate 232
Equipment 234
Charts 240
Navigating in tidal
waters 243
Shaping and plotting
courses 246
Po ition fixing 249
Electronic navigation 252
Navigation in fog 253
Navigation when sailing
to windward 254
256 Appendix258
260 Aero-and
hydrodynamics 324
Ropework Boat ownership- 328
Understanding weather 264
Daily weather variation 264
How weather develops 266
Passage of weather 270
Winds 272
Storms 276
Fog 278
Forecasting 279
Causes of tides 286
Maintenance &
General maintenance 290
Engines 296
Electrical systems 300
Water systems 302
Emergency repairs 304
General safety 308
Fire fighting 309
Grounding 310
Rescuing a boat 312
Distress signals 314
Abandoning ship 316
First aid 318
finance. insurance.
foreign travel 336
Glossary of terms 340
Index 346

Handbook of Sailing_Knopf,1992_0679740635,9780679740636.pdf

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