Jethro ® 18-Apr-2022 19:19

Yachting - Start to Finish

Year: 2015
Language: english
Genre: Practical guide
Publisher: Fernhurst Books Limited
ISBN: 978-1-909911-36-9
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 391
Description: Nowadays, many people discover the delights of sailing later in life, bypass
the traditional dinghy inauguration altogether and are introduced through friends
or experiences on holiday, straight to cruising yachts and keelboats.
That’s fine, but buying a yacht is often one of the biggest expenditures many
of us will make, so it is prudent to know what you are doing before going afloat,
or at least to have an experienced hand onboard to show you the ropes. Better
still, enrol on an introductory sailing course like those organized by the UKSA to
learn not just the rudiments of getting a boat to go where you want it to, but how
to dock, reef, communicate and navigate safely. These are all essential skills, and
your choice of boat will be all the more informed once you are competent – and
confident – enough, to sail her away for a weekend.
This keelboat/cruising manual takes you through a step-by-step guide based
on the UKSA’s teaching programs and is designed to provide readers with a
thorough grounding to enable you to sail a yacht safely.
Sailing is a great participation sport, accessible to all ages. Disability is no
handicap either. With audible compasses to guide the blind, sliding seats for
paraplegics and wheelchair access or hoists now available on even modest
yachts, everyone has the opportunity to get afloat.
You will love it!


Getting started
1 Basic principles
Parts of the boat
The science of sailing
Points of sail
Choosing a yacht
Buying a yacht
Transporting and launching keelboats
The rig
Knots, ropes and running rigging
2 Preparing to sail
What to wear
Essential equipment
Getting onboard from dinghy and dock
Rules of the road
Bending on sails, roller furling and reefing
3 First sail
Boat handling under power – mooring and anchoring
Balance, sail, trim
Tides and weather
Basics of navigation
Radio etiquette
4 Safety at sea
File a plan
Radar reflectors
Man aloft
Man overboard
5 Glossary of terms


Yachting Start To Finish Beginner to Advanced - Barry Pickthall.pdf

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