NNT ® 31-Jul-2016 13:19

Guidelines for Offshore Marine Operations

Year: 2013
Language: english
Author: Norwegian Shipowners Association & Others
Publisher: Norwegian Shipowners Association & Others
Edition: Revision: 0611-1401
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 292
Description: The objective of this document is to provide guidance in the best practices which should be adopted to ensure the safety of personnel on board all vessels servicing and supporting offshore facilities, and to reduce the risks associated with such operations.
It particularly relates to the following activities:
1. Operations of offshore facilities.
2. Operations of vessels.
Whilst the best practices summarised in this document primarily reflect those adopted in the North West European Area the authors recognise that its predecessor was becoming widely used outwith this region and that many, if not all, of the recommendations included do indeed have global relevance.


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