zxc ® 21-Июл-2013 15:33

Alfa Laval S-Type separatots / General Service Instructions for S-separator

Language: english
Author: Alfa Laval
Publisher: Alfa Laval
Format: HTML
Quality: eBook
Информация: The manual consists of several sections: Inspection Service, Overhaul Service, Others and Oil change. From each page you can easily reach a specific main section. But to reach a specific page within a section you need to use the "Next" button at the bottom of each page.
Some pages are linked to pages in other sections. The linked pages will appear in the same window. To go back to the previous page, use the browser's "Back" button. Using the "Previous" button at the bottom of page will only take you one step back in the application structure.
When a unit is finished this is indicated by a blinking "Next" button.
Clicking the "Next" button will take you to the next unit.
The "Previous" button takes you one step back.
If you want to print any part of the material, we advise you to click on the "Print" button. It will open a pdf-document suitable for printing. Printing the web page will leave out important events.
This application contains service instructions for Alfa Laval S-type Separators. These are in the form of web pages with instructions, images, animations. All instructions are also read by a speaker.
System Requirements:
- Internet Explorer 5 or newer
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- 1024x768 screen resolution or higher for best results
- В Google Chrome ключ не работает


Maintenance Log
Service Interval
Inspection Service
- Before Service
- Dismantling
- Before assembly
- Assembly
- After Assembly
Overhaul Service
- Dismantling
- Assembly
- Frame feet
- Lifting instructions
- Unbalance sensor
- Speed sensor
Oil change



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