Denmate ® 12-Jul-2018 15:01

Furuno ECDIS Operator's Manual FEA-2107/BB/2108 - v.06.50 [2017, PDF]

Year: 2017
Language: english
Author: Furuno
Genre: Manual
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 640
Description: The FEA-2x07 series ECDIS is the product of FURUNO’s extensive experience in computer technology and marineelectronics. It complies with IMO Resolution A.817(19), IEC 61174 and other related standards. The ECDISdisplays electronic charts, nav lines, ARPA data, AIS targets and other navigation data on a high-resolution 20.1-inch (FEA-2107) or 23.1-inch display (FEA-2807). The FEA-2107-BB is supplied without a monitor, permitting useof the commercial monitor of your choice.The main features of the ECDIS are• Continuous monitoring of ship’s position through multi-sensor Kalman filter processing using GPS, DPGS,SDME• Route planning and route monitoring facilities• Wide variety of warning facilities contribute to safer and more efficient navigation• Radar image may be superimposed on electronic charts (option)• Grounding warnings, safe depth contours• Chart database loaded and updated using CD ROMs• Target data from ARPA/radar and AIS transponder to aid collision avoidance. (AIS transponder and ARPA)


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Arcan 12-Jul-2018 18:29
Denmate, Все бы хорошо, но при английской версии страницы высвечиваются русские тэги.
8.15 !Важно Если вы собираетесь разместить англоязычную книгу (программу), то предварительно смените язык на английский в правом верхнем углу. Для того чтобы форма оформления релиза стала английской.
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