virtual ® 16-Aug-2018 20:42

European GNSS (Galileo) open service, signal-in-space

Year: 2016
Language: english
Author: ESA
Genre: Technical book
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 88
Description: Galileo is the European global navigation satellite system providing a highly accurate and
global positioning service under civilian control. It is interoperable with GPS and GLONASS,
the two other current global satellite navigation systems.
The fully deployed Galileo system consists of 24 operational satellites and up to 6 active
spares, positioned in three circular Medium Earth Orbit planes. Each orbit has a nominal
average semi-major axis of 29 600 km, and an inclination of 56 degrees with reference
to the equatorial plane.
Galileo provides enhanced distress localisation and call features for the provision of a
Search and Rescue (SAR ) service interoperable with the COSPA S – SARSAT system.
The present document is organised as follows:
Chapter 1 is this introduction which provides the scope of the document and an
overview of the Galileo system
Chapter 2 provides the Signal-In-Space radio frequency characteristics
Chapter 3 provides the characteristics of the spreading codes
Chapter 4 provides the message structures
Chapter 5 provides the characteristics of the navigation message data contents




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