chayan_09 ® 24-Nov-2018 07:48

Mechanical Vibrations + Solution

Year: 2011
Language: english
Author: S. S. Rao
Genre: Textbook
Publisher: Pearson
Edition: 5th
ISBN: 978-0-13-212819-3
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 1105 & 1112
Description: This book serves as an introduction to the subject of vibration engineering at the undergraduate level. Favorable
reactions by professors and students to the fourth edition have encouraged me to prepare this fifth edition of the
book. I have retained the style of the prior editions, presenting the theory, computational aspects, and applications
of vibration in as simple a manner as possible, and emphasizing computer techniques of analysis. Expanded explanations
of the fundamentals are given, emphasizing physical significance and interpretation that build upon previous
experiences in undergraduate mechanics. Numerous examples and problems are used to illustrate principles
and concepts.



Mechanical Vibrations and Solution Manual

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