namemamun ® 02-Dec-2023 16:18

Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics

Year: 2011
Language: english
Author: Glyn James
Genre: Textbook
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 1065
Description: Throughout the course of history, engineering and mathematics have developed in
parallel. All branches of engineering depend on mathematics for their description and
there has been a steady flow of ideas and problems from engineering that has stimulated
and sometimes initiated branches of mathematics. Thus it is vital that engineering students
receive a thorough grounding in mathematics, with the treatment related to their
interests and problems. As with the previous editions, this has been the motivation for
the production of this fourth edition – a companion text to the fourth edition of Modern
Engineering Mathematics, this being designed to provide a first-level core studies
course in mathematics for undergraduate programmes in all engineering disciplines.
Building on the foundations laid in the companion text, this book gives an extensive
treatment of some of the more advanced areas of mathematics that have applications in
various fields of engineering, particularly as tools for computer-based system modelling,
analysis and design. Feedback, from users of the previous editions, on subject
content has been highly positive indicating that it is sufficiently broad to provide the
necessary second-level, or optional, studies for most engineering programmes, where
in each case a selection of the material may be made. Whilst designed primarily for use
by engineering students, it is believed that the book is also suitable for use by students
of applied mathematics and the physical sciences.




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