CrewManager ® 22-Oct-2014 19:22
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Able Seaman. Level of English - Basic.
Main work experience at sea - reefer and dry cargo fleet
(about 6 years of working in the sea, max DWT 13.500 tons)!
I worked as Able Seaman and acted duties as Boatswain!
I have experience in loading and unloading operations
(worked on cranes,on derricks - in fishing areas at Africa).
Considered the minimum wage - from 1300usd. I will review your open positions!
In available time of I have valid Seaman's book St.Kitts&Nevis.
I needed any job! I consider all variants cooperation with you!
Volodymyr Aksentiuk
the phone number :
Attachments AB,cranes-derricks experience,reefer-dry cargo (74 KB, Downloaded: 89 times)
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