virtual ® 23-Nov-2019 10:44

Navigational claims 2020

Year: 2019
Language: english
Author: Swedish P & I Club
Genre: Guide
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 80
Description: The Swedish Club has spent many years compiling and reviewing information on navigational claims, which the Club defines as collisions, contacts and groundings. The aim of ‘Navigational Claims’ is to use that experience to provide those crewing a vessel with the knowledge that they need to avoid major pitfalls that we have seen occurring all too often. We have based our findings on statistics and our own experience of specific claims. This publication aims at not only highlighting the most common errors, but more importantly focuses on providing suggestions on how to prevent claims, increasing the safety of those on board and reducing vessel casualties.
Recurring causes In our previous study we highlighted that the following are recurring causes:
- Poor lookout
- Lack of situational awareness
- Complacency
We are still seeing these issues, and in this new publication we are specifically focussing on what can be done to prevent this from happening. In addition, this year we have included a new section. ‘What can we learn?’, where we discuss the issues of the case.
Common immediate causes
In the cases we have included in this publication and from our statistics, the most common immediate causes are:
- Lack of situational awareness
- Navigational error by the Master or pilot
- Underestimating natural forces
Most accidents happen in congested waters with several officers on the bridge.




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