MarinaMayday ® 21-Jan-2020 19:55
Dear sir, I need help from someone in Russia, the mariner.
I have a student from Russia on the Celestial navigation course at the moment within STCW yacht master training and he showed me a diagram for celestial plots I never saw before. I am publishing a new book regarding celestial navigation next month and I have a similar drawing to the one he has from Russia. I had no idea this existed before. I am trying to reach out for the author of this book and drawing so we can have an agreement my work is not a copy of his since it is basically plotting sheet. But they are practically the same so I just have to confirm with the author. I can not find author and the only page where I can see diagram is here And for the first time in my life I saw Russian almanac and the copy he has increments for Sun for minute 60 (59' 60'') is 14°59' and it should be 15° I do not know is this typo or there are some differences in ephemerides in Russia.
Can someone from Russia help me with this? Thank you.
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