zxc ® 07-Oct-2012 19:31

MAN B&W K98ME / Part II Maintenance + Part III Components description

Year: 2006
Language: english
Author: MAN Diesel A/S
Publisher: MAN Diesel A/S
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Number of pages: 865
Description: Instructions for Main Engines
This book forms part of a set of books consisting of three volumes entitled:
The purpose of these books is to provide general guidance on operation and maintenance and to describe the constructional features of a standard version of an MAN B&W main diesel engine. Deviations may be found in a specific plant. In addition, the books can be used for reference purposes, for instance in correspondence and when ordering spare parts. It is essential that the following data is stated in spare parts orders as it is used by us to ensure the supply of the correct parts for the individual engines:
Name of vessel / Engine No. built by / Plate No. / Part No. / Quantity required (and description) / Example: M/S Nybo – 7730 B&W – P90201-0036 – 059 / 10 off (piston ring)
To ensure optimum efficiency, reliability and lifetime of the engine and its components, only original spare parts should be used when replacing parts on the engine.
When used in texts and illustrations, the designation “D” refers to the information given on the data sheets inserted in the respective books.
Reliable and economical operation of the diesel engines is conditional upon its correct operation and maintenance in accordance with MAN Diesel’ instructions. Emissions related maintenance of the diesel engine shall be performed as specified in MAN Diesel’ instructions and any additional instructions to that effect included in the Technical File. Consequently, it is essential that the engine room personnel are fully acquainted with the contents of this book and, in respect of instructions on emissions related maintenance of the diesel engine, also the additional instructions to that effect set out
in the Technical File.
This book is subject to copyright protection, and should therefore not, in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, made public or in any other way made available to a third party without the written consent of this effect from MAN Diesel.
The Checking and Maintenance Schedules indicate the intervals at which it is deemed appropriate to inspect the individual components of the engine and to carry out overhauls, if necessary, based on the engine condition or on time criteria.
The stated Normal hours of service should only be used as a guide, as differences in the actual service conditions, the quality of the fuel oil or lubricating oil, the treatment of cooling water, etc.
will decisively influence the actual service results, and thus the intervals between necessary overhauling.
Design modifications may necessitate a revision of the instructions, in which case the revised instructions and changed overhauling intervals, if any, will apply and supersede those originally issued (see e.g our Service Letters).
In addition to the checking and overhauling intervals stated in this schedule, please note that the periodical survey requirements of the classification society may require additional checks and overhauls to be carried out. For further information
please refer to the classification society. The procedures are divided into three categories:
Condition checking procedures marked under the heading Normal hours of service with a C,
deal with the service condition of a number of engine components, and form the basis for estimating whether further overhauling is necessary. In a number of cases the condition checking procedures refer to Volume I of the instruction book, in which more detailed descriptions and working procedures can be found.
Condition-based overhauling procedures are those procedures which under the heading Normal hours of service are marked with an O, and opposite which, under the heading Overhaul to be based on procedure No. (column P), a procedure number is stated.
This procedure number normally refers to one of the above condition checking procedures which form the basis of the overhaul. For this reason, the intervals stated are for guidance only. Time-based overhauling procedures also marked with an O under the headings Normal hours of service or Based on observations, are the procedures where an
actual basis for estimation is lacking. It is recommended, therefore, to carry out these procedures at the overhauling intervals stated as a basis.
Where a symbol O or C is indicated in Based on observations (column B), this is due to the fact that special service conditions may make checking or overhauling necessary beyond the actual standard schedules indicated.


900 - Introduction
Documents in this Chapter
Table of Contents, Volume II
90023 0027 Instructions for Main Engine
90050 0293 Checking & Maintenance Schedule
90060 0002 General - Safety Precautions
MAN Diesel A/S
Table of Contents 900
Volume II - Maintenance
MAN Diesel A/S Page 1 (4)
No. Edition Title
900 - Introduction
Table of Contents
90023 0027 Instructions for Main Engine
90050 0293 Checking & Maintenance Schedule
90060 0002 General - Safety Precautions
901 - Cylinder Cover
101-01 0076 Cylinder Cover, Data
901-01 0259 Cylinder Cover
90151 0214 Cylinder Cover - Panel
90161 0111 Cylinder Cover - Tools
90163 0003 Cylinder Cover - Support Tool
90164 0002 Cylinder Cover - Hydraulic Jack Spares
90165 0001 Cylinder Cover - Lifting Tools
902 - Piston with Rod & Stuffing Box
102-01 0073 Piston, Data
902-01 0263 Piston
102-02 0055 Piston Rod Stuffing Box, Data
902-02 0225 Piston Rod Stuffing Box
90251 0264 Piston and Piston Rod - Panel
90261 0102 Piston and Piston Rod - Tools
90262 0027 Piston and Piston Rod - HydraulicTools
90264 0009 Piston and Piston Rod - Tilting Tools
90265 0003 Piston and Piston Rod - Support Tools
90266 0003 Piston - Lifting Tools
903 - Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Lubrication
103-01 0070 Cylinder Liner, Data
903-01 0255 Cylinder Liner
103-02 0029 Cylinder Lubricator, Data
903-02 0250 Cylinder Lubricator
90361 0083 Cylinder Liner - Tools
90362 0006 Cylinder Liner - Milling Tools
90363 0001 Cylinder Liner - Honing Tools
90365 0001 Equipment For Special
90366 0008 Cylinder Liner - Lifting Tools
904 - Crosshead with Connecting Rod
104-01 0058 Crosshead Bearing, Data
904-01 0248 Crosshead Bearing
904-02 0246 Crosshead
104-03 0039 Reciprocating Parts, Data
904-03 0216 Reciprocating Parts
104-04 0051 Crankpin Bearing, Data
Table of Contents 900
Volume II - Maintenance
MAN Diesel A/S Page 2 (4)
No. Edition Title
904-04 0234 Crankpin Bearing
104-05 0049 Connecting Rod, Data
904-05 0235 Connection Rod
90451 0145 Connecting Rod and Crosshead - Panel
90461 0071 Connecting Rod - Hydraulic Tools
90462 0035 Connecting Rod - Tools
90464 0009 Crosshead - Hydraulic Tools
905 - Crankshaft, Thrust Bearing and Turning Gear
105-02 0070 Main Bearing, Data
905-02 0253 Main Bearing
105-03 0060 Thrust Bearing, Data
905-03 0279 Thrust Bearing
105-04 0034 Journal Bearing, Data
905-04 0224 Journal Bearing
105-05 0051 Axial Vibration Damper, Data
905-05 0225 Axial Vibration Damper
90551 0234 Crankshaft, Thrust Shaft, Main Bearing, etc. - Panel
90561 0089 Main Bearing - Hydraulic Tools
90562 0121 Crankshaft - Tools
90570 0001 Thrust Shaft - Tools
90571 0001 Main Bearing Shell - Tools
90572 0001 Main Bearing - Measuring Tools
906 - Control Gear
106-01 0051 Chain, Data
906-01 0237 Chain
106-02 0053 Chain Tightener, Data
906-02 0238 Chain Tightener
10620 0002 Gear Drive
90620 0203 Gear Drive
10621 0005 Hydraulic Pumps
90621 0207 Hydraulic Pumps
10622 0006 Hydraulic System
90622 0207 Hydraulic System
10623 0002 Accumulators
90623 0205 Accumulators
10624 0005 Control Valves
90624 0206 Control Valves
10626 0001 Angle Encoder
90626 0201 Angle Encoder
10628 0008 Special Running
90628 0211 Special Running
10629 0001 Multi-purpose Control
90629 0201 Multi-purpose Control
Table of Contents 900
Volume II - Maintenance
MAN Diesel A/S Page 3 (4)
No. Edition Title
90651 0206 Chain Drive and Camshaft - Panel
90653 0003 Tools For Accumulator
90653 0004 Tools For Accumulator
90664 0001 Crankshaft - Pin Gauge
90671 0001 Hydraulic Tools - Chain Tightener
90672 0001 Hydraulic Power Suppl
90674 0001 Test Equipment For Ac
907 - Starting Air System
107-02 0039 Start Air Valve, Data
907-02 0216 Starting Air Valve
908 - Exhaust Valve
108-01 0041 High-Pressure Pipe, Data
908-01 0224 High-Pressure Pipe
108-02 0084 Exhaust Valve, Data
908-02 0257 Exhaust Valve
108-03 0049 Exhaust Valve Actuator, Data
908-03 0239 Exhaust Valve Actuator
90851 0212 Exhaust Valve - Panel
90861 0022 Exhaust Valve - Tools
90862 0046 Exhaust Valve - Hydraulic Tools
90862 0049 Exhaust Valve - Hydraulic Tools
90864 0003 Exhaust Valve - Extractor Tool
909 - Fuel Oil System
10911 0065 Fuel Valve, Data
90911 0240 Fuel Valve
10912 0046 Spindle Guide, Data
90912 0227 Spindle Guide
10913 0033 Non-Return Valve in Fuel Valve, Data
90913 0206 Non-Return Valve in Fuel Valve
10914 0069 Fuel Oil High-Pressure Pipes, Data
90914 0242 Fuel Oil High-Pressure Pipes
10920 0001 Fuel Oil Pressure Boo
90920 0201 Fuel Oil Pressure Boo
10921 0001 F/o Press.boost,top C
90921 0201 F/o Press.boost, Top
10922 0001 F/o Press Boost, Suc.
90922 0201 F/o Press Boost, Suc.
90961 0069 Fuel Valve - Tools
90966 0008 Fuel Valve Nozzle - Tools
90968 0001 Fuel Valve - Inspection Tools
90974 0001 Fuel Valve Nozzle - Cleaning Tools
90981 0001 Mounting Tools - Top Cover Seals
Table of Contents 900
Volume II - Maintenance
MAN Diesel A/S Page 4 (4)
No. Edition Title
910 - Turbocharger System
110-01 0060 Air Cooler Element, Data
910-01 0248 Air Cooler Element
110-02 0009 Non-Return Valve after Air Cooler, Data
110-03 0023 Auxilary Blower, Data
110-04 0005 Butterfly Valve, Data
110-05 0010 Turbocharger Turbine, Data
110-06 0029 Water Mist Catcher, Data
910-06 0222 Water Mist Catcher
91061 0070 Turbocharger System - Tools
91061 0071 Turbocharger System - Tools
91063 0017 Air Cooler - Tools
91063 0019 Air Cooler - Tools
91063 0020 Air Cooler - Tools
91064 0001 Travelling Trolley
91066 0002 Air Cooler - Lifting Tools
911 - Safety Equipment
111-01 0026 Safety Valve, Data
911-01 0212 Safety Valve
111-02 0013 Relief Valve, Data
911-02 0211 Relief Valve
111-03 0001 Scavenge Air Receiver Safety Valve, Data
911-03 0001 Scavenge Air Receiver Safety Valve
912 - Assembly of Large Parts
112-02 0010 Holding Down & End Chock Bolts, Data
912-02 0208 Holding Down and End Chock Bolts
112-03 0021 Stay Bolts, Data
912-03 0214 Stay Bolts
912-05 0201 Crankcase Oil Outlet
91261 0076 Hydraulic Tools for Large Parts
91265 0004 Hydraulic Tools - Holding-Down Bolts (Epoxy Chocks)
913 - General Tools
913-01 0213 Hydraulic Tools
913-03 0006 Working Platforms
913-04 0201 Standard Tightening Torques
913-05 0205 Torque Spanner
913-06 0205 Tightening Gauge
913-07 0207 Screws and Nuts
91311 0204 Lubricating
91351 0046 Accessories - Hydraulic Tools
91356 0054 Lifting Tools, etc.
Table of Contents 900
Volume II - Maintenance
MAN Diesel A/S Page 5 (4)
No. Edition Title
91357 0009 Open-Ended Spanners
91359 0003 Torque Spanners
91360 0005 Pliers
91361 0052 Combination Spanners
91362 0061 Ring Slugging Spanners
91362 0071 Ring Slugging Spanners
91363 0039 Spanners
91364 0059 Open-Ended Spanners
91366 0065 Instruments
91366 0067 Instruments
91368 0012 Working Platforms
This book forms part of a set of books consisting of three volumes entitled:
The purpose of these books is to provide general guidance on operation and maintenance and to describe the constructional features of a standard version of an MAN B&W main diesel engine. Deviations may be found in a specific plant. In addition, the books can be used for reference purposes, for instance in correspondence and when ordering spare parts.
To ensure optimum efficiency, reliability and lifetime of the engine and its components, only original spare parts should be used when replacing parts on the engine.
When used in texts and illustrations, the designation “D” refers to the information given on the data sheets inserted in the respective books.
Reliable and economical operation of the diesel engines is conditional upon its correct operation and maintenance in accordance with MAN Diesel’ instructions. Emissions related maintenance of the diesel engine shall be performed as specified in MAN Diesel’ instructions and any additional instructions to that effect included in the Technical File. Consequently, it is essential that the engine room personnel are fully acquainted with the contents of this book and, in respect of instructions on emissions
related maintenance of the diesel engine, also the additional instructions to that effect set out in the Technical File.
This book is subject to copyright protection, and should therefore not, in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, made public or in any other way made available to a third party without the written consent


900 - Introduction
Documents in this Chapter
Table of Contents, Volume III
90001 0073 Cross Section through Engine
90002 0001 Ordering of Insulation
90003 0001 Designations and Symbols
90004 0001 Software Licence, Std
90023 0027 Instructions for Main Engine
90030 0008 Description
MAN Diesel A/S
Table of Contents 900
Volume III - Components Description
MAN Diesel A/S Page 1 (3)
No. Edition Title
900 - Introduction
Table of Contents
90001 0073 Cross Section through Engine
90002 0001 Ordering of Insulation
90003 0001 Designations and Symbols
90004 0001 Software Licence, Std
90023 0027 Instructions for Main Engine
90030 0008 Description
901 - Cylinder Cover
90101 0148 Cylinder Cover
90103 0002 Indicator Cock - Mounting
902 - Piston with Rod & Stuffing Box
90201 0224 Piston and Piston Rod
90205 0116 Piston Rod Stuffing Box
903 - Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Lubrication
90301 0175 Cylinder Frame
90302 0147 Cylinder Liner and Cooling Jacket
90303 0010 Cylinder Frame - Details
90304 0039 Cylinder Liner - Details
90307 0034 Cylinder Lubricator Unit
90309 0024 Cylinder Lubricator System - Details
90310 0010 Cylinder Frame - Rear Side
904 - Crosshead with Connecting Rod
90401 0164 Connecting Rod and Crosshead
90403 0008 Lubricating and Cooling Oil Flow
905 - Crankshaft, Thrust Bearing and Turning Gear
90501 0159 Crankshaft
90503 0029 Arrangement of Angle Encoder
90504 0012 Axial Vibration Monitor
90505 0160 Thrust- and Guide Bearing
90507 0012 Trigger Ring System
90510 0132 Turning Gear
90511 0049 Turning Wheel
90512 0002 Turning Gear - Details
906 - Control Gear
90600 0129 Arrangement of Chain Drive and Camshaft
90603 0117 Chain Tightener
90612 0092 Arrangement of Indicator System
90632 0036 Chain Drive Guidebars - Lower Part
Table of Contents 900
Volume III - Components Description
MAN Diesel A/S Page 2 (3)
No. Edition Title
90634 0023 Chain Drive Lubrication - Lower Part
90635 0020 Hydraulic Cylinder Unit
90636 0021 Hydraulic Cylinder Unit - Details
90638 0012 Hydraulic Power Supply - Drive
90639 0021 Hydraulic Power Supply - Drive, Details
90641 0027 Hydraulic Power Supply - Accumulator
90641 0028 Hydraulic Power Supply - Accumulator
90642 0009 H.p.s., Accu., Detail
90643 0023 Hydraulic Supply System, Low pressure
90644 0025 Hydraulic Supply System, High pressure
90645 0016 Electronic Components - Engine Control System
90646 0011 Electronic Components - Lubrication System
90647 0003 Engine Control Room - Components
90647 0008 Engine Control Room - Components
90648 0004 Pneumatic Components
907 - Starting Air System
90702 0073 Main Starting Valve
90704 0048 Starting Valve
908 - Exhaust Valve
90801 0202 Exhaust Valve - Lower Parts
90802 0060 Exhaust Valve - Details
90803 0044 Exhaust Valve - Upper Parts
90804 0016 Exhaust Valve Upper Parts - Details
90806 0112 Exhaust Valve - Pipe System
90807 0005 Exhaust Valve Actuator
90811 0026 Arrangement of Freshwater Pipes
909 - Fuel Oil System
90910 0154 Fuel Valve
90911 0022 Fuel Valve Function
90913 0161 High-Pressure Pipes
90914 0107 Fuel Oil System
90915 0060 Fuel Oil System - Details
90915 0082 Fuel Oil System - Details
90917 0002 Fuel Oil Pressure Booster
910 - Turbocharger System
91001 0180 Scavenge Air Receiver
91002 0139 Arrangement of Charging Air Pipe
91003 0209 Exhaust Pipes and Receiver
91004 0063 Exhaust Receiver - Details
91005 0119 Air Cooler
91006 0042 Arrangement of Auxiliary Blower
Table of Contents 900
Volume III - Components Description
MAN Diesel A/S Page 3 (3)
No. Edition Title
91007 0018 Butterfly Valve
91009 0052 Air Cooler System - Cleaning
91011 0025 Arrangement of Non-Return Valve
91014 0021 Arrangement of Suction Pipe
911 - Safety Equipment
91101 0037 Safety Valve - Cylinder
91102 0030 Relief Valve
91102 0031 Relief Valve
91102 0034 Relief Valve
91103 0018 Safety Valve - Scavenge Air System
91104 0105 Arrangement of Safety Cap
91107 0004 Manual Shutdown Valve
912 - Assembly of Large Parts
91201 0088 Arrangement of Stay Bolts
91203 0012 Frame Box - Details
91205 0183 Frame Box
91206 0125 End Shields
91207 0096 Arrangement of Piston Cooling
91216 0015 Holding-Down Bolts and End-Chock Bolts (Epoxy Chocks)
When referring to this page, please quote Plate Edition Page 1 (1)
MAN B&W Diesel A/S
Cross Section through Engine
P90001 0073
When referring to this page, please quote Plate Edition Page 1 (1)
Ordering of Insulation
P90002 0001
When referring to this page, please quote Plate Edition Page 1 (1)
Designations and Symbols
P90003 0001
Fore end
Manoeuvring side of engine Exhaust side of engine
Port side of ship Starboard (stbd) side of ship
Normal layout
Forward (fwd)
Clockwise direction of rotation
defined from aft end of engine
Aft end
Cyl. nos. always counted
from fore end

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