alexstpetersburg ® 09-Feb-2020 16:21


Год выпуска: 2019
Язык: английский
Автор: OCIMF
Жанр: Руководство
Издательство: ICS
Формат: EPUB
Качество: Распознанный текст без ошибок (OCR)
Количество страниц: 30
Описание: These guidelines will help shipping companies and ship’s Masters to develop a PWOM suitable for individual ships, environmental conditions and operations.
Section two provides a PWOM contents list and guidance for developing the PWOM. The guidance is generic, however, and ship operators and Masters will need to tailor the PWOM to suit the specifics of the ship, environmental conditions and operations.
This information paper only gives guidance for developing a PWOM and should not be considered as a complete PWOM. The process of carrying out operational assessments and writing the PWOM will give the ship operator and Master insights into the risks associated with voyages in polar waters and a deeper understanding of the process.


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Thank U
SerTan 09-Feb-2020 16:49
И еще - почему поместили раздачу в OTHERS (NOT MARITIME)?
Очевидно же, что темя явно морская. Нужно было поместить либо в Deckofficer's Library, либо в Handbooks, manuals .
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