Ferreirolo ® 21-Feb-2020 00:20

Pump Characteristics Characteristics and Applications

Year: 2008
Language: english
Author: Michael Volk
Genre: Technical book
Publisher: CRC Press
Edition: 3rd
ISBN: 978-1-4665-6309-4 (eBook - PDF)
Format: PDF
Quality: OCR without errors
Pages count: 502
Description: This third edition of Pump Characteristics and Applications includes two sig- nificant improvements. First, more than 150 images are presented in color for the first time. Based on feedback from participants in short courses in pumps that have used this book as the text, these color images should greatly improve the ability of readers from all backgrounds to understand the details in many cutaway and cross sectional images of pumps, seals, and other components. Similarly, color-coding permits a clear distinction between the many types of pump performance curves that are presented throughout the book, such as head–capacity, horsepower, efficiency, NPSH, and system head curves. Also included are new images of the latest generation of pumps and other components.
The second focus of this edition is a new chapter on pump case stud- ies. Students in Volk pump training classes indicate that case studies are an important learning tool for people who work with pumps. The new Chapter 9 describes in some detail a series of typical pump field problems and their solutions. Each case study includes background on the pump- related problem, an analysis of the problem, and the resulting solutions and lessons learned.
In addition to the above, the entire book was updated to reflect the latest thinking on pumps. A number of helpful new sections were added, such as the ten steps to determine total head that are summarized in Chapter 2 and the mechanical seal piping plans that are discussed and illustrated in Chapter 5.




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