Vitbar192 ® 24-Feb-2020 11:43

10 Wooden Boats You Can Build. For Sail, Motor, Paddle and Oar

Year: 1995
Language: english
Author: Spectre P.H.
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Wooden Boat Publications
ISBN: 937822-34-5
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 191
Description: Who with an interest in things nautical hasn't been gripped by the monomaniacal passion to build a boat? As my friend George Putz used to say, those who haven't a re either psycho-emotionally wrecks or their nautical interest isn't as serious as they thought it was.
Some people with a desire to build a boat fight off the notion. They convince themselves that they don'l have the skills to do the work properly, or lack the necessary building space, or don't have the tools or the money, or can't find the plans for the boat of their dreams. Others surrender to the imperative and get on with the job. They know full well that given the desire the skills can be learned; the building space can be found; so, too, the tools, the money, and the plans.
The truth of the matter is that anyone with a reasonable facility with their hands can build a boat. This is because all wooden boats are built in pieces. If you can make one piece, you can make another. If you can make another, you can make yet another. If you take the project s tep by step, concentrating on one piece at a time and paying attention to how each piece relates to the others, you will eventually have a seemingly complex whole constructed of several simple parts.
The keys to the building of a proper wooden boat are a carefully considered construction plan, good materials, and good workmanship. These are manifest in this book, which describes the building of ten boats: the plans to follow, the materials to use, and the skills and methods necessary to make each project a success.



Spectre P.H. 10 Wooden Boats You Can Build. For Sail, Motor, Paddle and Oar, 1995.pdf

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