Vitbar192 ® 29-Mar-2023 08:48

Details of classic boat construction - the hull

Year: 1991
Language: english
Author: Pardey L.
Genre: Manual
Publisher: Pardey Books
ISBN: 0393033236
Format: PDF
Quality: Scanned pages
Pages count: 527
Description: This impressive book shows the process of constructing a boat hull with extensive photographs and drawings and includes ample time-saving procedures. Larry Pardey is accepted as one of the master craftsman of the wooden-boat building world. He and his wife, Lin, have built two, strong, handsome boats an sailed twice around the world in them. This book will help you to save money, time, and energy while creating the boat of your dreams. This book will also guide you with the right tools and equipment, planning and detailing as well as how to create and make your own tools. Guides to repairing and maintaining your boat are included as well. A world of useful information is contained in just these 500 pages.
Additional info: About the Author
Lin and Larry have been continuously wandering under sail since 1969 when they launched their first self-built 24' Lyle Hess designed cutter. Thirty years of cruising have taken them to more than 66 countries and logged them the mileage equivalence of five circumnavigations. Lin and Larry sail without auxiliary power and without electronic navigation, they cruise as simply as possible. Learn the Pardey way and you will truely be a self-sufficient sailor.



Pardey L. Details of classic boat construction - the hull, 1991.pdf

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